first to intro..this is the birthday gal..
she quite tall her actually..
look small size but very tall de ler.
this guy sitting beside birthday gal de..
come from africa..haha~
jianyi he is.
look cute when smile de.
but cant catch his smile on that day.
the front one is kuangyen..
an unpredictable guy..
in the middle is my classrep.
she not fierce at all when smile geh hehe~
last one...duno is victor or samuel.maybe is kiat leong haha..
couple introduction here..
can u smell sabah 味道?
hehe..this is couple from sabah.
joanne + adwin.
married status.
here is another couple.
yanding + sengli (moon)
status in question.
is this the third couple??
how do u think ler?
if u say yes then i very disappointed liao..
cos also i took pic with......
and THIS
haha no not flower heart de.
in my heart oni can stay 1 guy.^^
dun luan luan think ya.
^^ all my lenglui classmates~
included me ler haha~~
my bro (the moon) super like to act de.
really same with me~~ =_="
teh ping in front.
erm..less type a word..
his name supposed to be teh boon ping.
nah..this gal, teh meh sim.
come late de ppl o~
this is the pic i wan to take actually...but...
once i click the button, this victor ar..
open his mouth so big and eat!
blocked my classrep de face ady..
rampas camera with this method i really 1st time 见识 lo..
actually..this is my solo camphore pic de..
mana tau that meisim..
appear like ghost behind me wo..
also 1 rampas camera de ppl.
but this is normal method to rampas la haha~
me and elizabeth..
she look quite sweet when smile.
i really like to see ppl smile la~^^
hehe in toilet also wan to take a pic.
this is my sis-in-law..yanding~
outside the toilet also took 1 pic
with joanne.
haha but she look funny in this pic ya.
all gals on that day..
this is the most nice pic liao lo..
i forgot who is the photographer.
but nice skill it is.^^
happy birthday to kath o~
wish u always happy and smile^^
_::*::_::*::_::*::_THE END_::*::_::*::_::*::_
haha...seems u hv fun oO...
hv a nice day my dear...
miss ya alot...
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